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Yaa fattaaahu, Yaa rozzaaqu, Yaa muhawwilal ahwaali, Hawwil ahwaalanaa ilaa Ahsanil haal.

Hasbunallahu wani'mal wakiil, ni'mal maula wani'mannashiir.

Laa hawla walaa quwwata illa billahil 'aliyyil adzhiim.

2021 - 2022
Owner of A Beverage Business
(Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

I am the owner of a contemporary beverage business made from young coconut. I manage all about this venture.

2020 - Until Now
3D Artist (PBR & Arch Viz 3D Modeler) Freelancer
(Yogyakarta-Vilnius, Lithuania)

I make 3D according to client requests with various needs, Low Poly and High Poly. My role is as Freelance PBR & Arch Viz 3D Modeler.

2019 - Until Now
Sawah Studio OTDesign/Oudenteak
3D Design Artist
(DI Yogyakarta - Netherlands)

I make 3D all assets, including buildings, rooms and environments needed in doing interior and exterior design. Make 3D when developing new items.

2018 - 2019
ESDA (Enspire School Of Digital Art)
3D Art Design Teacher
(Surabaya/Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia)

I am in charge of teaching the entire class: 1. Game Design Class 2. 3D Modeling Class (Professional) 3. 3D Animation Class 4. Sculpting class

2017 - 2018
Ayena Studio
3D Modeler
(Indonesia Computer University(UNIKOM) Bandung, West Java, Indonesia)

My job is to create 3D objects from the concepts that have been created. Makes 3D everything except the main character, because the main character was already created at that time.

2016 - 2017
AMIKOM University
Student Staff Laboratory
(DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

My duty is to ensure that all laboratories can be used in learning. Make repairs if there is a problem.

2017 - 2017
AMIKOM University
Assistant Lecturer for Advanced Multimedia Cources
(DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

I am an assistant to a lecturer, my job is to help when delivering advanced multimedia courses.

2013 - 2017
Draw a Face with Pencil
(DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

I do a human face sketch manually using a pencil for whoever orders it.

2013 - 2017
Emcee of Javanese Traditional Wedding
(DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

I acted as Master of Ceremony at a wedding in Javanese culture. I do this every time there is a wedding in the village where I live.

2013 - 2017
JEC (Jogja Expo Center)
Computer Exhibitor
(DI Yogyakarta)

The main sales are computer assembly. I help prepare all the items to be sold, assemble PCs, and help provide information related to the items being sold

2013 - 2017
Red Rocket Computer
Technician Practice
(DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

Checking damaged computers for service, Diagnosing damage, Troubleshooting, Performing computer maintenance.


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